Welcome to Our Saviour, Don Mills

We are rooted in the Anglican tradition and part of the Anglican Diocese of Toronto. The Anglican Church (or Church of England where roots lie), is committed to the faith uniquely revealed in the Holy Scriptures and set forth in the catholic creeds. The Anglican Church mission is to bring the grace of God to others through word and sacrament in the power of the Holy Spirit.

We are a small, warm and welcoming parish, established in 1961 and built on land previously owned by the Dunlop family, and once part of the Donalda Farm. We are dedicated to sharing God’s word, growing in faith through Jesus Christ, and supporting one another in our journey of faith. We are nestled in a suburb of Don Mills - a diverse group of believers – bankers, musicians, social workers, teachers, public servants, business owners, parents, and students – united by our shared faith in a loving God.

We encourage you to put away the cares of the week, and come and worship with us in this holy place of respite in the tumult of life. Everyone is welcome at the Lord’s Table and all baptized Christians are invited to receive the sacrament of bread and wine.

We are a social parish, who in addition to celebrations within the liturgical church year, hold a variety of events such as pub nights, theme dinners, cards and games night, talent shows, garage sales, and bazaars.

We have always been a parish committed to supporting the community we are a part of through the giving of our time, talents, and financial support. We hope you will join us in our journey.